Generasi Bersinar bagi Indonesia Emas 2045: Pembekalan Berdasarkan Matius 5:16 bagi Para Murid PPA Efrata ID0524 di Kampung Nanas, Samarinda




shining generation, Matthew 5:16, light, Indonesia Emas 2045


Indonesia has initiated the vision of Golden Indonesia 2045 with an optimistic tone. However, amidst this optimism, major challenges are also present, such as increasing social complexity and moral decline that obscures cultural and spiritual values. The same anxiety was also felt by the mentors of the Proyek Pengembangan Anak (PPA) Efrata ID0524  in Samarinda. One solution can also be found in Matthew 5:16. This verse offers a basic principle for forming a generation that is able to be a light in the midst of the darkness of the times. The activity was carried out on November 4, 2024 at the Bethel Tabernacle Church (GBT) Jesus Alfa Omega, located at Jalan Pangeran Antasari No. 47, Bukuan Village, Palaran District, Samarinda City, East Kalimantan 75256. The number of attendees at the PkM activity was 158 people consisting of mentors, students fostered by PPA ID0524 Samarinda aged 5-20 years, and parents of students. The method of briefing is through lectures interspersed with interactions. The briefing material is based on Matthew 5:16. The method of writing this PkM article is literature study and exegesis. The results of the briefing showed positive things, both in terms of enthusiasm and commitment from the participants.


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How to Cite

Prabowo, P. D. (2024). Generasi Bersinar bagi Indonesia Emas 2045: Pembekalan Berdasarkan Matius 5:16 bagi Para Murid PPA Efrata ID0524 di Kampung Nanas, Samarinda. Journal Of Society Empowerment Publications, 1(2), 93-105.

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