1. The author has never published his article in another journal or is submitting his article to another journal.
  2. The title relates to the topic, not more than 12 words, there is no word similarity in the title and contains elements of method, theory, and problem.
  3. The abstract is written in English and Indonesian using Calibri font size 10, spaces 1, and text length between 150 – 200 words. The abstracts are written in Indonesia in the original language according to the PUEBI principle. Abstract contains brief descriptions of problems, purposes, methods, outcomes, and conclusions. The English abstract was written in the English language in the form of past tense and linked sentences. The outcome and conclusion were written in present tense. Abstraction is expected to be more communicative and not monotonous.
  4. The article is the original article result of research or review of previous articles. The article was written in Indonesian, with a number of words as much as 5000-7000 words.
  5. The systematic writing of the research article consists of the title, author's name, affiliation and correspondence address, abstract, keyword, abstraction, keyword, introduction, method, outcome and interpretation, conclusion and list of references.
  6. The article title is written in Segoe UI font size 18 pt, capital letters at the beginning of the word (except for the linking word), thick, flat left, containing a maximum of 12 words, and describes the contents of the script. The title Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusions, and Library List is written with the font Segoé UI size 13 pt, the capital letter, bold, square left.
  7. The author's name is written completely in Calibri, bold, and 12 pt without title. The author of various instances is marked using a comma behind his name. The name of the instance is written entirely in the calibri font, and is 10 pt in size. The email address is written in the Calibry, italic, and 10 pt. 8 font.The script is presented narratively. The image is inserted into the text box and the description of the image is placed underneath the image. The picture description is numbered and the image should be referenced in the text. The image description begins with capital letters. Descriptions of more than one row are written using spaces 1. A table is created with the table title placed above the table. A table series consisting of two rows or more is written using a space 1. Table rows are prioritized by horizontal lines only, while vertical lines are deleted.
  8. The introduction contains some of the following: First, a description of the problem, scope, or actual situation in accordance with the topic discussed. Second, the description of scientific debate in the subject discussed and indicates the state of the art overview of previous researches. Third, a clear statement of research gap to indicate the new contribution of the research and show the difference from the previous research. Fourth, describe the thesis and research objectives clearly and specifically.
  9. The research method is written flat right left spacing 1.15 with Calibri font size 12 pt.
  10. The method is adapted to the type of research that is raised. Methods used to answer such research questions should be described in detail accompanied by the stages of the research carried out.
  11. Results and Discussions are written straight to the left of spaces 1.15 with Calibri font size 12 pt. The results and discussions contain the results of the research findings and its discussions. Write down the findings obtained from the results of the research that has been carried out and should be supported by adequate data. The research results and findings should be able to answer the question or the research hypothesis in the preliminary section. Also discuss or discuss the findings by comparing the opinions, views, or findings of existing research, whether contradictory or consistent with the results of the research carried out above. If on the result and interpretation section requires sub-sub-section descriptions, then the sub-title writing should use a large letter format at the beginning of each word, except conjunction, as shown below.
  12. The conclusion is written flat right left space 1.15 with Calibri font size 12 pt. The conclusions contain answers to research questions. The advice refers to the results of research and is in the form of practical action, stating for whom, and for what the advice is. Written in the form of an essay, not a number.
  13. Reference lists are written flat-right-left spaces 1.15 with Calibri font size 12 pt. List of libraries and citations accompanied by footnotes using the Mendeley or Zotero reference engine application.
  14. Full information can be found in the template examples available in OJS.