Konflik Israel-Palestina: Bagaimana Seharusnya Gereja Bersikap?
The protracted conflict between Israel and Palestine has made countries take a stance on it. Countries with a majority Muslim population will be inclined to support Palestine. In contrast, countries with a majority Christian population will tend to favor Israel because its name is often mentioned in the Bible. This research seeks to find answers about how the church should behave in response to this conflict. Using the qualitative method of literature study, a single conclusion was reached that the church should be neutral in this conflict. The church's main call is not to get involved in the political feud between Israel and Palestine. Four main reasons why the church should be neutral on this conflict. First, Contemporary Israel is very different from the Israel of the OT in that it still rejects Jesus Christ as the Messiah today. Second, there are often misinterpretations of Genesis 12:3 especially in terms of blessing or condemning Israel and the blessings that come with it. Third, the truth exalts the status of the nation, but sin is the taint of the nation. The high degree of the nation is produced from how much truth is held by the nation. Defending Israel or defending Palestine does not make the church full of God's blessings. Fourth, God loves the nations very much. Just as God loves Israel, so He loves Palestine. Praying for peace between Israel and Palestine is the right step in accordance with God's heart.
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