About the Journal

JOSAPRAT (Journal of Spirituality and Practical Theology) is published periodically (February and July) by Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Injili Indonesia Samarinda, East Kalimantan. The purpose of this journal is to publish articles on spirituality and theology of practice. 

JOSAPRAT (Journal of Spirituality and Practical Theology) received articles on spirituality and practical theology. All incoming articles will be evaluated by bestari partners in private. (blind review process). The article submitted must be the original work of the author that has not been published in a journal or other publication in any language.

Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 1: JOSAPRAT (Journal of Spirituality and Practical Theology)
					View Vol. 1 No. 1: JOSAPRAT (Journal of Spirituality and Practical Theology)

JOSAPRAT (Journal of Spirituality and Practical Theology) is published periodically (February and July) by Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Injili Indonesia Samarinda, East Kalimantan. The purpose of this journal is to publish articles on spirituality and theology of practice. 

JOSAPRAT (Journal of Spirituality and Practical Theology) received articles on spirituality and practical theology. All incoming articles will be evaluated by bestari partners in private. (blind review process). The article submitted must be the original work of the author that has not been published in a journal or other publication in any language.

Published: 2024-08-21


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